After a six-month gestation, I have a new piece out with Hannah Gais at the SPLC. We reveal, for the first time, some of the behind-the-scenes connections between the terrorist and mainstream wings of the White Supremacist movement. This includes the role that Greg Johnson played in publishing the second edition of James Mason’s Siege in 2003. (Johnson is best-known for running the genteel white supremacist Counter-Currents – and as a side-note, once used a quote of mine for a fundraiser!) Here’s what Johnson told Mason in a letter:

I want to tell you how much I admire both you and your work…I have also read Siege and find myself in complete sympathy with your evaluation of Charles Manson & the world situation in general.

Siege‘s second edition was published in 2003 by Black Sun Publications, which Johnson was running with Ryan Schuster. But it gets even weirder, because Black Sun started out as an imprint of the Foundation for Human Understanding, an old-school racist academic think tank in Athens, Georgia (not uncoincidentally about 45 minutes from where I grew up). And they, in turn, received funding from the Pioneer Fund and were connected to the Charles Martel Society, who Richard Spencer would work with.

The line from racist academics to neo-Nazi mass murder is short.

Read “How a Mainstream Racist Group Revived the Terroristic Tome ‘Siege'” here.