In summer 2023, I co-authored a piece, along with Isaac from RASH, about people of color who are neo-Nazis. It was published on Unicorn Riot, where it is available in English and Spanish. (It was translated into German as well.) Since it’s a long piece and some people prefer audio/video, I did a reading and put it on YouTube. I’ve been threatening for a while to make videos, so hopefully I can do some more soon.

In May 2023, when Mauricio Garcia killed eight people in an outlet mall in Allen, Texas, it seemed like just another senseless mass murder similar to innumerable school shootings. But when it came out that he identified as a neo-Nazi, outrage spread: calling a Latino that was just too much for many. However, a person of color carrying out a mass shooting as a neo-Nazi came as less of a surprise to antifascist researchers and former members of the White Supremacist movement, where this phenomenon is not unknown. Outside of the U.S., it’s even more visible, with neo-Nazi groups existing throughout Latin America, as well as in the Pacific Islands and Asia.